What challenges do they have to overcome to establish a career in VLSI?

Challenge 1

We perceived that many electronics and electricals talented pursuing and passing out candidates still face numerous challenges in paying the fees to upgrade their knowledge in meeting the semiconductor industry's skills. 

Challenge 2

PinE has also figured out that these days aspirants are moving their focus from core to non-core domains as they assume, there are fewer opportunities in pure core domains and to convert fewer opportunities into careers, they need to invest to upgrade their skills


To put a full stop to all their worries and confusion, PinE approached many aspirants and got them aware of the tremendous potential of the Semiconductor Industry. To further smooth out their joinery, PinE has now advanced the feature. PinE Training Academy has taken an initiative to support trainees in financials required for professional training /courses of industry standard. Now inclined candidates can not only pay the fees after placement but also in 12 easy interest-free EMI. Today in this cut-throat market, this is the best feature that PinE can offer. We have taken our step, now it's your time to take yours. There is no interest or charges associated with this initiative.
Our shining moments

Pay After Placement Program Testimonials: 2022-2023 Batch

2019-2020 ASIC 7